That Gray Area

Shame On Us Part One: Body Shaming

Erinn and Vanessa Season 1 Episode 8

If you have a body - and we know you do -  you've probably felt that it's been subject to comment or scrutiny at some point in your life.  On this episode Vanessa and Erinn launch their series on shaming,  with a look at how society at large and we ourselves shame peoples bodies.

Is fat shaming one of the last socially acceptable forms of discrimination?  Why are women's bodies up for public discussion?  Why do we need to create one narrow standard of beauty that the majority of women could never live up to?  And how can we normalize bodies and become more accepting of ourselves and others?

Join them on Instagram @that.gray.area to join the discussion on all things women and aging, Pinky swear, it's REALLY fun!

And if you prefer *watching* them talk about all the wonderful things being a woman and mid-life has to offer (and there are SO many) you can watch That Gray Area on YouTube Here

However you get there - let's join each other in That Gray Area!