That Gray Area
That Gray Area
Parenting - But Only the Things We Did Right!
Erinn and Vanessa discuss their parenting styles which although different, both resulted in happy, loving, funny, bright, well adjusted young adults. They talk about the tips and tricks they've learned over the years that really worked to foster healthy self-esteem and how that has developed into deep meaningful relationships with their kids as they've grown older. After all, who wants to hear about all the ways they screwed up? Where's the fun in that? ;) Besides, "momming" is hard - we should all be giving ourselves more pats on the back!
Join them on Instagram @that.gray.area to join the discussion on all things women and aging, Pinky swear, it's actually REALLY fun!
And if you prefer *watching* them talk about all the wonderful things mid-life has to offer (and there are SO many) you can watch That Gray Area on YouTube Here
However you get there - let's join each other in That Gray Area!